Empower Your Teenage Girl

You are the mother of a lovely teenage girl.  Although you care and love your daughter so much, sometimes it is very difficult and overwhelming to guide her.

 As your daughter goes through these very important formative years (which are the foundation for her adult life), she may be struggling with challenges like: Peer pressure, social media, academic performance, time management, goal setting, uncertainty about the future, consumerism, body image, friendships, dating, etc.
You are doing the best you can to guide her and you:
  • Want to make sure that your daughter makes good decisions now and in the future.
  • Don’t always know how to help your daughter to resolve her issues and how to handle challenges and disappointments. 
  • Feel that your daughter is having a hard time fitting in at school.
  • Think that she is struggling with her friendships or is being bullied.
  • Are afraid that your daughter’s self-esteem is too low or too high.
  • Worry that she can engage in drugs, sex, alcohol, or other addictions.
  • Are having trouble communicating with your daughter because most of the time you two end up butting heads.
And because you not always know what is best to do, you end up giving her advice (that to her sounds like an annoying lecture), over protecting her, or just hoping that everything will be OK and that she’ll figure it out on her own.
Sometimes when she can’t get help from you, she might keep things to herself feeling isolated, react in a negative way, or she might go to get advice in the wrong places.
And because that sweet little baby girl of yours that once used to sit on your lap and beg you to tuck her in bed is now sometimes treating you like dirt (using a mean tone of voice towards you and asking you to keep your distance so you don’t embarrass her), you end up feeling very frustrated.
So what can you do to help your daughter go through the challenges of the teenage years and resolve her issues when she doesn’t want to get any advice from you?
The Make Your Dreams Come True is a life-changing workshop which teaches life coaching skills especially designed to be appealing to teenage girls ages 12 – 19.
Wouldn’t it be great if she could start Designing her Ideal Life at such a young age?
Through play and in a safe group setting, your daughter will learn the skills to:
  1. Envision who she wants to be when she grows up.
  2. Learn how to listen to the guidance of her inner voice. 
  3. Discover her values and natural strengths and how to use them.
  4. Learn how to reach her goals.
  5. Assertively speak up to ask for what she needs and wants.
  6. Build real friendships.
  7. Balance her emotions.
  8. Build her confidence. 
  9. Know how to turn her fear into power
Unfortunately many of these skills are not taught in school. Our young women need support in dealing with the teenage years’ pressures that affect their well-being and ability to do well in school and their communities.
Imagine how awesome it would be if your daughter knew how to make good decisions on her own now and in the future!
During her teen years she’ll have to decide what to major in, where to go to college, who she’s going to date, who her friends and roommates are going to be, whether to have sex or wait, whether to drink, smoke, do drugs or not, whether to run away from home or stay, where to get a job,  whether she is going to get a piercing/tattoo, feed herself only junk food, etc.
Think of your own adolescence. Remember how you made some choices that you should have not made?
There are no guarantees in life, but you can help your daughter be prepared to make better choices.
The tools that your daughter will get at the Make Your Dream Come True workshop will help her to make healthy decisions for a lifetime.

Let’s help our girls to stand in their power, go after what they want, believe in their success and Make Their Dreams Come True!

Dare to dream

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