Make it Right The Second Time Around!

Love is not enough, protect your relationship!

After so much suffering in your previous marriage, and ending in a painful divorce, you now have a second chance with a great man that loves and supports you.

Unfortunately, the love that you both have now – experienced only as a feeling – will not be enough to make this new relationship last.

 Make It Right the Second Time Around!

The Make it Right the Second Time Around program is perfect for women, like you, who found love again after a divorce or a major break up and are involved in a new relationship.

silvia & co 009Even though you feel extremely lucky and happy for this new opportunity, deep inside you fear that your new relationship could end up failing like your former marriage did.

The problem is that you know that after the initial romantic period in your relationship is over, things between you two will change, and you feel insecure about not knowing what to do to make sure that you continue to keep your partner’s interest in you and your relationship, so that the spark of connection and intimacy remains strong even as time goes by.

The Make it Right the Second Time Around Program, will show you how to ensure that you take control of the success of your new relationship, and do everything you can to make it stronger and lasting. You will learn how to create a passionate, fulfilling, and strong relationship that gets better over time, so that you can relax and trust that you finally have the relationship that you’ve always wanted.


  • Are afraid that the same problems that happened with your former spouse will happen again with your new partner.
  • Believe that you can’t set the foundation for a fulfilling, long-lasting relationship on your own.
  • Have a lot of insecurities about yourself.
  • Feel that you are not good enough to keep your man’s interest over time.
  • Feel afraid of failing again and going through another painful break up.
  • Often think of everything that could go wrong with this new relationship.
  • Are afraid that your new blended family will not be able to get along well.
  • Think that after the initial passion wears off,  your relationship could lose the spark that keeps your partner so interested in you now.

Unfortunately, most women that are dating again after a divorce, assume that their new partner is “different,” and that the love that they share is strong enough to make their relationship last forever.

Even though they are aware of the possibility that their new relationship could also end, they don’t take action to prevent this from happening because “things are going well now,” and they don’t know how to start building a strong foundation for their new partnership.

These women don’t realize that falling in love was actually the easy part, and that staying in love is a challenge that requires them to do things differently in many ways; from the way they think about themselves and their relationship, to the way they interact with their partners.

Imagine if you could…

  • Keep enjoying a fantastic relationship even after years of being together.
  • Lose all your fears about your relationship ending up in a divorce again.
  • Create a new functional family that is intentional about appreciating and caring for each other.
  • Enjoy your life so much because you have a partner that is also your best friend, and you feel loved, supported and cared for.
  • Never feel lonely again because you have the security of having found your ideal and perfect partner.

MAKE IT RIGHT THE SECOND TIME AROUND is a fantastic coaching program that will help you to achieve a lifetime of mutual fulfillment by creating intimacy, appreciation, and passion with your partner and your new blended family; all traits that are absolutely necessary for a healthy relationship.

By the end of this amazing program you will:

  • Overcome your fears and negative expectations regarding your relationship.
  • Have practical tools that you will feel confident about using in order to create and maintain the spark in your relationship as needed.
  • Melt away all the insecurities that bother you and prevent you from completely enjoying your new relationship.
  • Know how to communicate your needs and desires with confidence and ease in a way that promotes love, understanding, and mutual respect.
  • Understand all about the 4-stages that all long-term relationships go through many times, and know what to do to overcome the challenges – that could either hurt or strengthen your relationship – that some of these stages bring.  
  • Understand what you need to do in order to motivate and validate each member of your new step-family so that you can have harmony in your relationship and in your life.

This amazing, life-changing program helps many women – like you – to overcome their insecurities about losing their relationship at some point, and empowers them by teaching personal development and relationship strategies that will help them to continuously create excitement, trust, intimacy, fun, and fulfillment in their relationship and in their lives.

You will be able to:

  • Understand what you can proactively do on your own to rekindle the excitement, romance, passion, and connection in your relationship as often as needed.
  • Find out what you can do to avoid power struggles and small – or big – arguments that could potentially turn into resentment, anger and apathy in your new relationship.
  • Discover secret ways to keep your partner’s interest by understanding him like you’ve never understood a man before.
  • End the fear that you might do something wrong to “mess things up.”
  • Communicate your needs and wants openly and honestly with your partner, and also know how to come up with enthusiastic mutual agreements when you both want different things.
  • Understand the different developmental stages and situations that will inevitably change your relationship, and to know how to use these changes to strengthen your relationship.
  • Have the resources that you need in order to nurture harmony, respect, and unity in your new blended family.


You will learn how to become more secure about yourself. Your entire perspective about relationships will change, and you will know exactly what you can do to be able to overcome all your fears about losing your new and precious relationship.

You will also know how to use powerful relationship strategies that will help you to keep up the spark in your relationship for many years to come. Moreover, you will have the resources to help you do this on your own; after our work together.

This program will help you to set up a strong foundation that will make your relationship stronger over time!

Make It Right The Second Time Around is perfect for you if:

  • You are committed and willing to invest and work on yourself and your relationship to make this one work!
  • You are aware that you don’t “know it all” about relationships.
  • You are willing to learn and work on yourself to become the best  possible partner.
  • You want to avoid making the same mistakes that you did in your previous relationship.
  • You are vulnerable but courageous and you are willing to learn and try new things to grow as a person and help your partner grow together with you as a couple.


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