Raise Your Voice

Raise Your Voice

You’re in a committed relationship with a man you love. Like all couples, you’ve had your ups and downs, but you want to stay in this partnership because it’s an important part of your life.

Maybe you’ve been married for many years, or maybe your relationship is new. Regardless of how long time you’ve been together, you want to make things work, and you truly believe that your partner wants the same.

The problem is that you are having trouble communicating with your partner. 

Sometimes, you feel like he is not listening to you, and if he does, he criticizes, dismisses, or diminishes the things you say.

When you both try to make an important decision, you cannot reach enthusiastic agreements. Even after you try discussing each other’s points, you end up arguing or even resenting each other.

So in order to avoid conflict, you have learned to silence your voice, and keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself.

You wish that you could speak your mind freely without struggling with your partner.

You think:
“Why does it have to be so hard to communicate with him?”
“If only he was different and made an effort to really listen to me.”

Can you relate?

  • You avoid conversations with your partner because you’ll end up feeling bad.
  • You sacrifice your needs and desires in order to avoid feuds.
  • You allow your partner to become “The Boss” and tell you how things are going to be.
  • Sometimes, you keep things to yourself and make decisions without considering your partner’s needs or wants.
  • You are afraid that if you speak up, he’ll get defensive or even aggressive.

But you’re tired of keeping your mouth shut. You’ve finally come to the conclusion that putting on a smile and pretending that everything is fine is not going to cut it anymore if you want to keep your relationship healthy.

If you are ready to set your voice free and have conversations that feel good for you and your partner, the Raise Your Voice program is perfect for you!

This program will not only empower you to speak up your mind in a safe way, but it will also help you heal your relationship in many ways.

It will help you understand exactly what you need to do to have great conversations with your partner where you can reach enthusiastic agreements that feel great to both—without any conflict.

You’ll go from struggling to speak up, feeling frustrated, and numbing out to cupcakes, shopping, and other distractions to looking forward to meaningful conversations with the man you love.

How would you feel if you could have safe conversations with your partner about anything?

Imagine what your life would look like if you lost your fear of speaking up and could express yourself freely and authentically with your partner.

What if you would get closer and feel more attracted to your partner if you became an expert at communicating well?

In the Raise Your Voice program you will:

  1. Discover how you can use your voice to win your partner over rather than winning over him.
  2. Understand what you can do to stop giving in or giving up your desires in order to avoid conflict.
  3. Be able to use a no-fail resource that will help you have safe and meaningful conversations with your partner.
  4. Find out how to reach enthusiastic agreements that truly fulfill each other’s needs.
  5. Learn how to become experts at resolving conflicts together almost as soon as they arise.

The Raise Your Voice program includes:

A 2-Hour Power Up Your Voice Coaching Session

If you believe that you know how to communicate with your partner, but you hide things from him or are not able to reach solutions that make you both feel good, you need to find a new way of having conversations. This powerful one-on-one 2-hour Skype session is guaranteed to improve the way you communicate.

You will understand what is causing you both to have trouble communicating, and I will teach you exactly what you need to do in order to have a safe and fulfilling conversation.

You’ll leave empowered, ready to have satisfying conversations even when you are dealing with delicate topics.

You will learn how to turn power struggles into growth opportunities. Every time. No exceptions.

As result of our work together, you will become a more compassionate person with yourself and your partner. You’ll also be more resilient in difficult situations.

You will leave the session with 3 specific resources to guide you toward creating fulfilling conversations and enthusiastic agreements.

Best of all, you’ll be able to use these 3 resources over and over again, not only in your relationship with your partner, but also with your children, friends, co-workers, clients, and anyone else.

What you’ll learn in this session will totally change your life; it will transform the way you communicate with people.

Accountability Email Support for 4 Weeks

After our one-on-one session, you’ll receive weekly emails for a month to hold you accountable, help you take action, and answer any questions, which means that you will see results!

A 30-minutes Success Follow-up Session

During this 30-minute session, we’ll review what is working for you after you’ve implemented what you’ve learned, and I’ll answer any other questions you may have.

The Raise Your Voice program is amazing because:

-In only a short time, you will have the necessary resources to start speaking up for yourself, have meaningful conversations, and reach real solutions with your partner.

-You have the flexibility to set up your sessions whenever it is convenient for you.

-After your 2-Hour Power Up Your Voice Coaching Session, you will get the assistance that you need from me, so that you will always feel supported and you will never feel alone.

Investment: ONLY $199

Are you ready to get started? Excellent! Here’s how:

Step 1. Make your payment here:

Step 2. Within 24 hours you will receive details from me on how to schedule your session.


Step 3. We’ll hold our one-on-one coaching session where I’ll tell you about the 4 weeks of follow up and support and how to schedule your final Success Follow Up Session.


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