One Of The Best Antidepressants Available; Without RX

One Of The Best Antidepressants Available; Without RX

Stress is unquestionably part of our lives. It is not necessary to be going through some critical moment (unemployment, a breakup, illness, etc.) to be highly stressed.

Unfortunately, daily life, in itself, is full of potential stressful situations such as driving in traffic, paying bills, taking care of our children and/or loved ones,attending to all the details at work…

There are various practices and remedies to relieve stress, ranging from meditation to antidepressants.

For me, one of the best ways to relax and say good-bye to stress – although it might be only for the moment – is to travel.

Of course I love going to remote and extravagant destinations, but it is not necessary to go far from home. Just escaping to a nearby town, city, or to some nature spot helps me leave my daily routine behind for a while.

Traveling allows me to be in a sort of meditative state because I get so wrapped up in living and experiencing each moment (the surroundings, people, culture, food, weather, etc…).

I make a conscious decision to live in the present moment, and to forget about all the daily thoughts that constantly run through my mind.

Perhaps traveling is not your thing. No problem, but one way or the other, you should find some sort of activity that helps you enter a permanent state of relaxation; a well-being state where you can escape for a while from the constant thoughts that keep your head spinning in circles.

Each person must discover which activity helps him/her find their state of well-being. Here are a few things you might want to try:

Dancing, playing a sport/s, reading, watching a movie, painting/art, laughing freely with your best friend, listening to music, going out to nature, playing with your pet/s, meditating, traveling, etc…

Do your best to do whichever activity fits to help you relax best as often as possible. And remember to always try to stay focused in the present moment.

When we are totally present, where the concept of time does not even exist, we find ourselves feeling great as our bodies effortlessly regenerate, and our immune and biochemical systems strengthen, producing natural substances in our bodies similar to those generated by antidepressants.

The best of it all: free and no need to go the doctor for a prescription for pills that come with unwanted secondary side-effects!

Please know that, contrary to the popular belief that it is better to rest only after fulfilling our obligations first, the truth is that we perform best and are able to focus better at everything we do when we feel best.

This is why it is highly important to take our time to relieve any stress in a natural manner, and to make a habit of it in our daily lives.

Also, by remaining strong and flexible when facing any situation that might cause you stress, you will find it less and less necessary to visit the doctor and to take medicines and/or antidepressants.

So start thinking about which activities could help you to release the daily stress in your life in a natural, drug-free way. Once you decide what you want to do, make sure to schedule sometime during your week to actually do it!

Remind yourself that you are not wasting time, and that you are actually investing in your health and well-being.

If you feel good, you will actually be able to be more productive at work, in your daily chores and also, you will be able to be more present with your loved ones.

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