How to Find Your Inner Peace?

Feet warming at a fireplace with hands holding coffeeThere is natural state of peace within yourself that you can access at any time. It is your  inner “sanctuary”.

It’s a place where you can experience freedom, protection, security, authenticity, vibrancy, and integrity.

When you are in this state of being you can enJOY your life, and become a presence of light to yourself and those around you.

We all have that sanctuary within us, but many of us do not know how to access it.

Maybe you are still not even aware that it exists! Or perhaps, you have experienced that inner connection at times, but then something stressful happens that causes you to forget how to get that back to that peaceful state.

Here is how to go back: 

Take a minute to recall a special moment of  inner peace in your life. How did you experience it?

  • By being amazed by nature?
  • By a moment of intense connection with your spirituality?
  • By enjoying true bonding with family, friends or people you love and enjoy?
  • By playing with a baby or a pet?
  • By being in love with someone or something?
  • By working on your favorite thing/hobby, or studying your favorite subject?
  • By reaching a goal?
  • By enjoying a great moment of victory while watching or practicing your favorite sport?

Think about anything that brings you natural pleasure, peace, happiness and freedom.  Now, remember and focus on that feeling.

That amazing feeling is your inner sanctuary and it is available to you 24/7.

Here are a few testimonies from some of my client’s “sanctuaries:

  • “I love to walk with my dog for 30 minutes at least three times per week. Seeing her so playful and happy makes me remember that life can be simple.”
  • “When I am watching football, all of my worries disappear! It is like being in “The Zone.” Time stops, and for a few hours a euphoric feeling rushes through my whole body as my team scores each touchdown! The best part is although I may sometimes have a beer or two, I don’t really need any alcohol to enjoy the moment.”
  • “The first thing my husband and I do each morning is give gratitude for all the blessings we have in our lives. This daily practice makes us feel connected to each other and to The Divine. It feels like heaven.”

What is going on with your life right now? Are you experiencing Sanctuary every day? Sometimes? Many times during the day? Or not at all?

What meaning are you giving to those events that may be challenging you at this present moment?


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