“Focus on The Power of Now”

Present“People are always asking about the good old days. I say, why don’t you say the good now days?” ~ Robert M. Young  

 Is your mind always wandering in the past or in the future, and seldom fully present in the “here and now”?

Many people have trouble understanding and/or accepting that the Present Moment is the only real thing we have and miss key moments in their lives.

Have you ever been with your children, or a partner, or a friend, and while they are talking to you, your mind is thinking about your future things to do?

#1 New York Times Bestselling author Eckhart Tolle speaks in detail on his book “The Power of Now” of the benefits of living in the PRESENT moment, and of the dangers of stepping outside of it. In fact, he successfully argues that time (past and future) is nothing but an imaginary tool invented by man to try to desperately help gain control of his life.

Look how the concepts of the past and future can – and most often do – cause you pain and stop you from truly being present in your life:

The Past – the past is only a memory. It is gone. But so many of us try to live according to something that does not exist. Worse yet, many “torture” and punish themselves based on decisions they’ve made instead of taking advantage of the only gift they really have; NOW!

The Future – the future is only a fragment of our imagination! There is NO guarantee of it, yet so many people put off what they can do now, in false hope that “tomorrow” will bring change and happiness.

Yes, you may be arguing that the past has influenced us and created who we are today, and that the future is important because it gives us a direction where to go. However, have you noticed that the past and future always happened in “The Now”? What you did yesterday, you were doing it in yesterday’s present moment, and what you will do tomorrow you will do it in tomorrow’s present moment. Right this moment is the future from yesterday, and the past from tomorrow!

So I invite you to be fully present in your life at this moment on whatever you are doing.

If you are reading this, pay full attention, if you are working, fully focus on your productivity, if you are with a loved one, fully engage in your relationship with them, look at their eyes and listen to what they are saying. If you are having fun, fully enjoy it, take every bit of it. Be PRESENT and enJOY the gift it has for you, but if you notice that this is difficult because often you have too many worries, try coaching, it can help you to overcome all your fears!

Do you have trouble focusing when someone is talking to you, at work, etc?


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