Gratitude Helps You To Turn Around Your Negative Thoughts!

ButterflyIf you are purposely grateful, your whole life will improve in all areas. Do you know why?

Simple: Your mind cannot focus on a negative and a positive thought at the same time!

Yes, it is always happening, your mind is always thinking, and there are only two types of thoughts: positive or negative.

Here is a quick coaching tool that can help you to change a negative thought into a positive one:

The next time you catch yourself complaining, criticizing, comparing, competing, or having any other sort of negative thought, purposely start thinking about the things that you are grateful for in your life and make a list of them. You will immediately notice that your body and your emotions relax, and this will definitely have an impact in the rest of your day.

It took me a while to consciously start training my mind to be thankful. When I first heard about gratitude, I thought it was a nice little concept that seamed obvious to me, but I really didn’t put it much into practice.

Then, a few years ago I was having a “bad” day because I got sick from a very strong allergic reaction to wheat and I ended up in the ER. That day I decided to give “Gratitude” a try and see if it would work because I was really sunk in all sorts of negative thoughts.

I started to think that I was grateful that it happened to me and not to a family member, that I got medical assistance on time, that I had friends and family support, that I had a “minor” health problem, etc… and this immediately changed the way I was feeling in that moment.

So then I began practicing giving gratitude every time I started feeling funky, and it felt so great, that now I also practice  it even when I feel good (and it makes me feel even better!). It has always worked for me, and I hope that it will also work for you.

Try it and tell me what happens in the comments below! 

P.S. Watch this video with lots of great affirmations and beautiful images that you can view as often as you want to feel grateful:

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