Amazing Easy Technique To Release Stress

Amazing Resource for Trauma & TensionWe all have stress and had experienced some sort of trauma in our lives. Whether it is psychological, physical, or emotional, the tension of having experienced difficult situations accumulates in our bodies over time.

As a coach, I work with people to help them heal and balance their emotions and to revamp their thought process so that they can be at peace, feel more positive emotions, have clarity of what they want, reach their heartfelt goals, and have more control of their lives; regardless of external circumstances.

But integral healing occurs at many levels. In addition to working with our thoughts and emotions to release stress, it is of extreme importance that we allow our bodies to get rid of all the trauma it has been accumulating over time.

That is why today I want to share with you a video of a technique called TRE: Tension Releasing Exercises. TRE consists of evoking a self-controlled muscular shaking process in the body called neurogenic muscle tremors. This is a natural process that happens to all animals (including us!). The technique is truly unique as the shaking originates deep inside the core of your body through the psoas muscles (located near your pelvic area), causing gentle tremors reverberate outwards along the spine, which releases tension from your sacrum to your cranium.

I had personally practiced the power of this easy, yet powerful technique, and words can’t justify how wonderful it makes me feel afterwards. One of the first things people notice is that they sleep much better and feel more relaxed. Think about how awesome it would be to have the power to heal and renew yourself constantly!

So I hope that you enjoy the video and that this information will serve you as much as it has served me. Let me know below if you have any questions and please share this blog with someone you know that might also benefit.

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